Last octave

Kent Swafford
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 20:52:10 -0600

on 12/14/00 8:30 PM, Kevin E. Ramsey RPT at wrote:

> They must have not said anything because they held you in such high
> esteem, but secretly, they're probably whispering " I think he's starting to
> lose it" after you left.
> Kevin E. Ramsey, R.P.T.

I agree. I experimented with some "pure 5ths ET" tunings a few years back
without telling the concert pianist in whose studio I was working. He didn't
say anything at the time, but weeks later he admitted (knowing that my
situation at the university is not ideal) that he had thought I had finally
gone crazy.

BTW, it is not my intention with this post to criticize the highly stretched
version of ET that yields perfect fifths. I'm sure it has its place. I just
prefer at this point to keep the tenor and mid-range conservatively
stretched and gradually increase stretch as I tune out in both directions.

Kent Swafford

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