Last octave

Kevin E. Ramsey RPT
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 18:30:12 -0800

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    Ed Foote wrote;

"I intentionally sharpened the last octave of a Steinway D with my SAT
last week.  I punched up the octave stretch so that the last note was 20
cents sharper than a straight FAC tuning.  NOBODY noticed!!!!!
Ed Foote RPT "

You mean to tell me that you tuned the whole octave sharp?  Gradually, I
assume. And nobody noticed?
    They must have not said anything because they held you in such high
esteem, but secretly, they're probably whispering " I think he's starting to
lose it" after you left.

Kevin E. Ramsey, R.P.T.
Phoenix, Arizona

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