John 3:16 and Donald Duck on the Pianotech list.

Richard Brekne
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:54:19 +0100

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vanbrussel wrote:

basically that he didnt like this stuff and that
in turn stimulated a whole bunch of back and
forthing about another ridiculous, misunderstood
out of context segment of a posting that had
actually nothing at all to do with preaching or
spreading the gosple but was an appropriate
response to another posting that was a takeoff on
a previous thread that was so far removed from the
particulars of this present absurdity that it
makes the black orange of Stobblerkopf look like a
pedigree pansy.

Just so you all know... this came as a respons to
a posting I made in regards to Ron N's posting
about the Climate, overindulgence, prosperity
thread that Del put up a while back. I pointed out
that Rons apparent resignation to the futility of
human endeavor was a particularilly Christian
point of view which stimulated Chris to take up
the defence of the faith... misplaced really but
thats besides the point.

If any one then is to blame for this popping up I
suppose its me. So shoot me and be done with it so
we can all go on playing. :)

>      Christopher Witmer, in a recent post,
>      quoted John 3:16;
>      "For God so loved the world that He
>      gave His only begotten Son, that
>      whoever believes in Him should not
>      perish but have everlasting life. For
>      God did not send His Son into the
>      world to condemn the world, but that
>      the world through Him might be saved."
>      -- John 3:16-17

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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