Pin Torque minimum standard?

Wed, 13 Dec 2000 18:56:23 EST

Stan writes:
<< <<  I have established 50 in/lbs in the counterclockwise direction as the
> minimum standard
> for pin torque .  Below this and repair is recommended to the client.
> (anyone care to comment on this standard?)    >>

    I can live with 50, but I don't like it as much as 90( I HATE above 125). 
    I tuned a piano today that had most pins at 50-70 but a few around 30. I 
marked the top of these pins with blue chalk and told the customer that they 
were some questionable notes.  She said that the last tuner didn't say 
anything about that and I asked her when that was. She said it was when her 
mother had the piano tuned for her wedding, in 1982! 
Ed Foote

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