pianotech-digest V2000 #1136

Mark Wisner MWisner@yamaha.com
Wed, 13 Dec 2000 16:02:56 -0800

> Sometimes when tuning in a private home, the owner says - "Gee, I gotta go
> out and ......  Do you mind locking the door on your way out?" Or sometimes
> a long-time client says that they can't be home, but they will leave the key
> under the door. "Just let yourself in dear, the check will be on the piano".
Being in a customers house alone, and especially being asked to lock up after I was through, was always something I avoided.  I wasn't too worried that the house would catch fire while I was there alone (that happened once, I didn't do it!), more that I was worried that someone would break in after I had left, abscond with the family cache of diamonds and gold bullion, leaving me as the most likely suspect.   Or a more likely scenario...The customer asks me to lock up when I'm done, leaves the house after hiding all the valuables under the dog house and then tearfully tells the Police "the piano toona musta done it".  Maybe this is a mite paranoid, but hey!.....I worked in Southern California.

Mark Wisner
Piano Service
Yamaha Corporation

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