what is the best temperament?

Wed, 13 Dec 2000 18:51:27 EST

Oh wowzee gee whizhotdamnIgottadisagreewith Newton!!!!!, 
He wrote:
<<The human ear tends to want to hear octaves expanded more in
the bass and less in the treble. >>

     This is counter to my experience. It seems that there is no way to get 
too sharp in the treble, except for some singers.  The jazzers and country 
artists not only tolerate,but seek, a lot of sharpness in the treble. 
    The bass problems I have had in the past have always been problems of 
flatness, nobody ever seemed to complain that the bass was ever sharp, which 
I found on occasion. 
Ed Foote RPT
(oh, geez, this is going to be embarassing if I misread the original 

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