"Left the building"

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 00:09:45 +0100

Maria... what can I say... if you think you have
been through the grinder....well you aint seen
nothing. This is by far a perfect place, but there
is a lot of good information available, and a lot
of good people to exchange it with.

Its like really easy to misunderstand a post and
jump all over it.. Actually you did this to me
when I "excused" you for your language use. I was
just trying to head off a nasty row that I suppose
was inevitable...grin... they always are.

I certainly understand anyone who doesnt think an
internett list is all that attractive. Nearly
every type of list suffers from the same kinds of
problems. You have to be able to weed through the
garbage, dodge a few punches, throw a few as well,
develope a good delete finger, and in general put
up with the rest of us just like we do. We are all
human and are all fully capable of getting out of
line from time to time.

Be all that as it may... this is indeed a valuable
resource. Its sad that you got off to such a bumpy
start and get scared away.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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