Hallet, Davis & Co. Maker?

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 18:34:29 +0100

Hmmmm... I wonder what would happen if Toyota bought Dodge out, and started making
cars that were really Toyotas inside and out, and simply called them "Dodge". I know
GM got into trouble some years ago for useing the same engine in different car makes
that they had bought out over the years. I have a suspicion that this practice in
pianos is actually not quite legal but that the piano industry just gets kinda

Clyde Hollinger wrote:

> Ric,
> I agree with you, but I doubt there's much we can do to change things.  Our best
> defense is to stay informed about what's what and hope our clients ask us before
> they plunk down their money.  Then there's still the problem of the manufacturers
> who make both entry-level and high quality pianos.  The name can mean almost
> anything (or nothing).
> Regards,
> Clyde
> Richard Brekne wrote:

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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