what is the best temperament?

Mon, 11 Dec 2000 12:22:01 EST

Martin writes:

>i donīt know what temperament to learn. what would be the best one and
>how should i practise?

    There is no one temperament that is the "best" for everything.  Equal 
temperament is the most commonly used compromise, but is now being joined by 
a wide variety of past methods.
>im a newbie.

   umm,  OK

>are there any instructions on how to set a temperament? i know one way
>of doing it but people say that there are better ones...
   I would suggest that you find a copy of Owen Jorgensen's  "Tuning the 
Historical Temperaments by Ear" and listen to a selected few.   There are no 
reasons to limit yourself to any single temperament.  
Ed Foote RPT

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