SAT Mystery

Mon, 11 Dec 2000 08:23:09 EST

<<"If you can tune by ear, why 
would you even consider purchasing such a device??? I don't think it is 
any faster, and I chip pianos as I string them, and after 3 tunings, in 
the first sitting, the piano is stable.  
Lynn Rosenberg">>

<<"<<"If you can tune by ear, why 
would you even consider purchasing such a device???">>

Efficiency. Ease of applying multiple tunings in a short space of time 
without attendant wear and tear on aural equipment. Accuracy of overpull.
Extremely noisy environments. Others can add more I am sure.

<<"I don't think it is 
any faster,">>
 It is for me and I am less tired after the process with my SAT than without 

<<"and I chip pianos as I string them, and after 3 tunings, in 
the first sitting, the piano is stable.">>

 Admirable skill I am sure...perhaps you could give a class on this in the 
Jim Bryant (FL)

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