Burnout/not excusable language

Bud Schwab budschwab@earthlink.net
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 17:46:08 -0800

Here's my point Richard, the subject line has nothing to do with the 
subject of the message.  It would sure help if it did.


> > Meine Frage: How much difference is between those and the custom made 
> plugs?
>Short answer hit the keys harder and you can hear the
>Long answer; no one should tune a piano without plugs.  If
>USA OSHA knew the SPL (sound pressure level) the would
>absolute forbid tuning without plugs.  I personally have
>measured SPL of 110 dB at ear level tuning the treble of a
>Yamaha C3.  115 dB is possible with some of those hard rock
>100 dB exposure of 15 minutes is OSHA standard.  Or there
>abouts, I forget the number but it is far shorter than it
>takes to tune the treble of but one piano.
>Get plugs, use them, and never leave home without them.
>                 Newton

                                                 Bud Schwab
W 6 Z Y P
Malibu, california


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