Population & Prosperity [was: Gas Prices - give me a break!]

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 19:44:43 -0600

>Basically, the population debate is polarized into two camps, which may
>be broadly categorized as the followers of Thomas Malthus (zero
>population growth crowd) and the followers of Adam Smith (no limits to
>growth crowd). 

I read somewhere that approximately 17% of all the people that EVER lived
are alive today. Seems like that ought to qualify as a factor somewhere in
there. I learned tonight that a car's engine emits more harmful combustion
products in the first mile than in the next 350. If that's correct, it
looks like we'd be doing the atmosphere a favor by leaving our engines
running all day while we tune.

Ron N

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