100 messages!!!! Overhead way too high!

Roy Ulrich ulrich@rangenet.com
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 18:59:52 -0600

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If you click on "file", "properties" in Outlook Express, you'll be able =
to extract the individual's personal e-mail address. I THINK the same =
option is available in Netscape as well. A little Sherlock Holms will =
reveal the answer.

Roy Ulrich
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Richard Brekne=20
  To: pianotech@ptg.org=20
  Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 5:02 PM
  Subject: Re: 100 messages!!!! Overhead way too high!

  Richard, tho I have to aggree in principle I dont see this changing =
much and am resigned to not letting myself get all hot and bothered =
about it.=20
  That being said, one thing that might help is if these darned email =
programs would work a little more intuitively. I use Netscape and when I =
get a note from the list it says=20

  From..... soandsos@suchandsuch=20
  Replyto. pianotech@ptg.org=20

  I have to go through this like process to just reply to the "From" =
fellow. I suppose most email programs are basically the same in this =
regard. When I punch the reply button I dont get a choice... it just =
goes to the list.=20

  Now if anyone out there has a way of bypassing this obstacle... I =
would appreciate hearing it=20

  Richard Oliver Snelson wrote:=20

    It's time to cut the chatter! Get back to technical subjects. "The =
    purpose of this list."   No one seems to know how to send a message=20
    directly to an individual.. The list doesn't need to read every =
    that you want to exchange.=20
  Richard Brekne=20
  RPT, N.P.T.F.=20
  Bergen, Norway=20

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