Time for another list?

BobDavis88@AOL.COM BobDavis88@AOL.COM
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 19:57:43 EST

List and Andy:

How about another list on which members of the pianotech list can chat? 
Sometimes I like talking with other piano technicians about non-piano stuff, 
but sometimes I just don't have time for ten thousand messages about what 
constitutes a dirty word. With one more list, I would subscribe to the 
technical one all the time, and the chat one when I had time. For members who 
wanted both, as I would sometimes, it would be transparent to them, just it 
is now for those of us who subscribe to both the caut list and the pianotech 
list, but it would provide a convenient alternative for those of us who 
sometimes don't want to delete 90% of the messages in order to get to the 
small kernel of useful tech talk.

I am enriched by the myriad delightful personal ways of speech of many of our 
participants (remember Antares?), particularly the ones outside the US, many 
of whom speak better or more interesting English than we do. It allows me to 
enjoy their personalities, as long as it is coloration to a basically 
technical article. 

What do you think?

Bob Davis
Stockton, CA

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