
Roy Ulrich
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 19:00:46 -0600

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One of these has surfaced in my area for sale and a potential customer =
has asked for my knowledge of the brand, which was until very recently, =
well, ZIP. I now know that it's a Sojin / Daewoo hybrid, but sight =
unseen I'm having a bit of trouble making a recommendation as whether to =
buy it or leave it be. For a paltry $600 American dollars plus moving =
she can become a proud owner of this instrument and isn't too keen on =
paying for an appraisal. For MY OWN interest however, I'm curious - is =
this in all probability a PSO/POS (can't say the real word you know, =
there are toes...) or is there a possibility that this could (voice =
inflection here) be a legitimate piano?

All comments appreciated, except those, well, you know....

Roy Up-in-the-woods-but-with-a-paddle (lotta good that'll do with the =
lakes and rivers frozen over) Ulrich

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