
Ed Carwithen edwithen@oregontrail.net
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 14:49:11 -0800

Another burnout victim heard from:

I just burned out from teaching band and choir in Public School after 40
years.  Should have quit 10 years ago.  The last 2 or 3 years were such a
struggle that I actually thought I might self-destruct.  This past June I
finally had enough.

NOW I tune pianos full time.  I ride around between jobs to relax.  People
are happy to see me arrive, happy with the work that I do, and even more
happy when their pianos sound so good.  And I get paid. I set my own
schedule, I work for no other boss, I don't have to ask permission to take
a day off.  I can't believe my good fortune!  My blood pressure is back to
normal, I don't spend the half the night worrying about the job, the kids,
the principal, what I have to do next, and the second half of the night
having bad dreams.

Burnout is a major disaster.  I hope that you find the way to either
overcome it, or change your life so that you can find happiness again.

Ed Carwithen
John Day	

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