Gas Prices - give me a break!

Richard Brekne
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 23:51:07 +0100

Ron Nossaman wrote:

> Last winter was very mild here,.....

Ron.... I am astounded. Sometimes you have a way with words that makes me wonder
why on earth you are dinking around with pianos. A while back we were in a
disscussion about how many men died in the Vietnam war... something to do with
all the mundane stuff we generally concern ourselves with... I think womens
rights even got into that. I remember replying to someone that these things were
the least of our worries, tho I could not explain really what I meant. I dont
need to now.

By the way..the view that human kind is in the end doomed is a particularily
christian one. It always amazed me how so many "christians" I have met through
the years failed to understand this.

> As a species, we aren't even respectable parasites. A successful parasite
> doesn't kill the host, and from what we see around the world, that's what
> is happening.

We may not be able to be part of the solution. But we can try as best we can to
not be part of the problem.

> Ron N

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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