Thoughts on a "field day"

maria arnelöf
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 23:29:52 +0100

Hey folx!

I was just tuning a cuple of pianos today and thought about what one of the
persons on the list said the other day. About always learning new stuff
tuning...trying to relax and getting into what one is doing and therefore
analyzing more to gain that knowledge. I have imagineing myself doing that
and stribing to get better instead of sighing over the monotony. When out
though, Ive noticed that Im always under stress, tuning to run to the next
apointment etc. I dont wanna complain, thats not it. It just hit me that
99% one has a special scedule to fit in. No time to take ones time. Silly,
isnt it?! I guess its just that time right now. Everyone wants their pianos
tuned. Schools, hospitals etc. And theyve all got a sertain timelimit as to
WHEN it HAS to be done and they only give one just enough time to tune it
and thats it. I know that later on when things calm down one gets to take
it more easy. But it just hit me, thats all. Nevermind :)

Best regards,

  "In space no one can hear you scream"
          In 1979 it came from within.
          In 1986 it was gone forever.
In 1992 our worst fears have come true.
                      Its back!

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