Gas Prices - give me a break!

Delwin D Fandrich
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 07:10:34 -0800

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin E. Ramsey RPT" <>
To: <>
Sent: December 06, 2000 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: Gas Prices - give me a break!

> Greenhouse gases lead to greater crop yields, that's about it.


Peer-reviewed science disputes this.  (This claim, by the way, originated
with the Greening Earth Society, a creation of the Western Fuels Coal
Association, which has an obviously vested interest in the on-going burning
of coal -- one of the larger contributors to greenhouse gasses.)

Most scientists agree that, while there will be an initial growth spurt in
many trees and plants, this growth subsequently flattens and their food and
nutrition value plummets.  As carbon dioxide stresses plant metabolisms,
they become more prone to disease, insect attacks and fires.


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