Andrew's Tom Cole upright!

Wed, 6 Dec 2000 20:23:22 EST

Tom C. wrote;
<<"A few days ago, I got a check made out to "Andrew Kohler". I wasn't
wearing my glasses at the time but could make out that the amount was
right and something was scribbled on the signature line; it's probably
okay, I thought. I discovered the error when I got home and promptly
sent her a note along with the incorrectly written check, noting that
this was the first time someone had made payment to the piano instead of
the tuner.">>

Dear Andrew;
 I don't believe I have ever heard of a "Tom Cole" piano...perhaps it is a 
knock off or 'Stencil' piano. Are they good instruments? I am sorry that some 
customers are not as attentive to service types as needful but we just have 
to be patient. I am sure that your particular customer will get the spelling 
for Andrew correct on the next go-around and there the matter will rest.
Perhaps a new design for your business card is in order with Andrew Kohler 
displayed in 36pt 'would' be more legible.
 Happy to have had this opportunity to be of some small assistance. In the 
future just go ahead and deposit the check it probably will go right through 
and not cause any problems whatsoever. You are welcome. :-)
Jim Bryant (FL)

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