Kissing Kids

Wed, 6 Dec 2000 20:19:44 EST

Roy U. wrote;
<<"Yeeecccchhhhhhh! You SHOULD be! maybe only for a day or two tho....">>

 This in response to kissing your children on the lips.
According to some then I suppose I am a reprobate/pervert. Not only do I hug 
and kiss all my children, sons a peck on the cheek and daughter a peck on the 
mouth, I tell them quite frequently that I love them........does that make me 
a pervert?
Well I suggest you explain that to my oldest son who is 35 (my goodness!!), 
is 6'3" tall and weighs about 240 lbs, my youngest son who is 6'2" weighs 280 
lbs, or my daughter who is 5' nothing :) and is as tough as either of my 
sons.......... My grandchildren, all four, also get kisses from me both on 
the mouth and on the cheek the youngest being 6 months and the oldest being 
twelve years (darned! someone is getting older here:)
 Jail for kissing my kids or grandkids?? I think not and someone would have a 
very heavy price to pay to stop me! The many problems we have today are 
contributed to by the lack of true caring,love and the ability of expressing 
it 'appropiately'. Are we becoming so warped that even a parents show of 
affection is suspect!?
 We have become a society teach our children things such 
as...............well y'all know the litany as well as me. :-( Is not showing 
affection to our kids now the PC thing???????............count me out.
Jim Bryant (FL) RPT....... Really Perverted Troglodite

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