Burnout/not excusable language

David M. Porritt dporritt@swbell.net
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 19:10:17 -0600


A lot of difference.  The drugstore plugs cut out too much of the high
frequencies.  The custom Westone ones are very flat response and will help
you hear better than without plugs - unisons and all!


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On 12/6/00 at 11:09 PM Kristinn Leifsson wrote:
>I tried using ear plugs while tuning the top octaves of a Steinway O, just

>the regular ones from the pharmacy, and I thought they worked OK in octave

>tuning, but didnīt like the results with the unisons.
>Meine Frage: How much difference is between those and the custom made

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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