Newtons incouragement.

maria arnelöf
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 18:43:56 +0100

Newton wrote:

"Dear Maria,

Please accept my apology for the behavior of a few boorish
people on this list.  They all knew better than to take
after me the way they have you.  I like what you have
written and I implore you to continue writing as you please
and ignore the anal voids (ass holes) who have suffered a
colan-cerebrial inversion (shit for brains)."

Thank you, thank you Newton but plz (!), dont apologise for someone elses
way of being as you put it "boorish". Its not your fault. And as for "a**
h*les" & "sh** for brains"...weeeeell, Ill leave those words for you and
the others only to say out loud cos...Im SO sophisticated that I dont use
that foul language...ever! (Just kidding). Hey, we sweedes have a saying
here "A burnt child avoids fire!". So...Ill just put a paperbag on my head
whenever I get an urge to use a bad word again on the list....Errr, mabye ;)

"I have not been as active on this list as i have been in the
past because I have to use my laptop instead of the desk top
and I find it very difficult to read the screen.  Having a
broken leg makes it difficult to get into tight places..."

Awww, thats too bad. I wish for you a quick recovery. Btw...did you get
this injury when chasing girls without crutches? ;)

"I think it is important to have ladies, intelligent people,
foreigners and feisty folks here on the list.  I love them
all and I love you for what you have been doing.  Please
continue on.

Newton (dirty old man chasing the girls on crutches)"

Now Im blushing....geez, ta, Newton :-)

Best regards,

  "In space no one can hear you scream"
          In 1979 it came from within.
          In 1986 it was gone forever.
In 1992 our worst fears have come true.
                      Its back!

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