Average person's perception....

N Luehrmann n_luehrmann@hotmail.com
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 11:51:29 -0600

For what its worth, I may or may not be the average Joe, but I will gladly 
share the perception I have for piano techs.

I think you folks are amazing!  Not only are you craftsmen/women (especially 
those that do a lot of rebuilding work), but you are all artists.  It has 
been my opinion, and I share it with those that are willing to listen, that 
choosing the right tech is as important as choosing the right piano.  Find a 
piano that sings to you, and find a tech that understands what you like, and 
you will have a match made in heaven!

I am so impressed by all of your accomplishments and knowledge that I 
subscribe to this list even though I am not a professional tech - hows that 
for admiration?

My wife and I just bought a new grand recently and were extremely pleased 
that Charles Ball was able to take us on as clients.  We couldn't possibly 
be more delighted, and Charles has been very gracious with his time and 
efforts.  There is no doubt in my mind he is an extraordinaraly busy 
individual, especially this time of year, and yet the last time we talked I 
bombarded him with questions about this and that, and he seemed genuinly 
pleased to go into detail on several of my questions.

While Charles's reputation is quite remarkable, I suspect the same could be 
said about most techs.  I hope Santa treats you all very well, and you can 
bet you have many admireres out there!

Merry Christmass All, and a Very Happy New Year!

Nils Luehrmann
Austin, TX

>From: "pianolover 88" <pianolover88@hotmail.com>
>Reply-To: pianotech@ptg.org
>To: pianotech@ptg.org
>Subject: Average person's perception....
>Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 21:08:28 -0800
>NOw & then when I'm in a social, non-working environment, i'm asked what I
>do for a living. You should see the facial reactions I get when I tell them
>I'm a Piano technician! "Oh", or "that's interesting", or my favorite..and
>this is from a relative who used to know me as an entertainer when I was
>younger: "..Well, as long as YOU like it". I mean, comon! Is our profession
>looked upon with such indifference?? I'll tell ya, The money is good, and i
>work for MYSELF! Great combination, isn't it? For the most part, I can't
>think of anything else i'd rather do...well, almost anything..lol. At least
>my customers appreciate what i do for a living.
>P.S. Can anyone please email me privately if they have actual pictures
>(JPEGS) of several different "tuner's Knots" for splicing purposes? I
>currently use and know only ONE type; it works but I have a feeling their
>are easier knots to make that are just as good. Thanks!
>Terry Peterson
>Associate Member PTG
>Los Angeles, CA
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