Burnout/not excusable language

maria arnelöf maria.arnelof@spray.se
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 18:23:35 +0100

Kristinn wrote:

"Don´t panic!!!"

Dont worry, Kristinn...I just took some extra Valium pills and sat with my
shrink for 2 hours to get over this Drama...Yes, the horror of it all!!! It
was shattering, I tell ya! :D

"Puss i ljumsken, (did you puritans know that it means "a kiss in the groin"
in Swedish but is actually a friendly good-bye?)"

Hey, Kristinn...
"Puss i ljumsken?!?!?!?" *Ahem* I know that sentence but I really dont use
it unless its to some one that Im "together with"....I think Ive gotten
that reply from my ex once or twice but that was it. I wouldnt advice
anyone just to come here to Sweden and say that to.... like....someone on
the street or youd get a funny look :D But, yeah, I know what you
mean....its said in the most friendly/humorous way.

"Humor has no place on this list!!  ;-)"

Wow, splendid!
Seriously...I think I see alot of ppl. here on the list with humour...you
for one.
Anyways... Thanks for your funny replys, Kristinn.


  "In space no one can hear you scream"
          In 1979 it came from within.
          In 1986 it was gone forever.
In 1992 our worst fears have come true.
                      Its back!

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