Cross country piano move

Douglasmahard@AOL.COM Douglasmahard@AOL.COM
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 03:37:36 EST

In a message dated 12/04/2000 11:47:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<<  will be shipping a Steinway M across country in the near future.  Should I
 be concerned about the cold temperature?  I am in discussion with movers.
 Shafer & Sons has a small truck with no heat.
 Thanks in advance.
 David Ilvedson, RPT >>

Hi David,

I don't believe there is any concern here.  Our rental Yamaha C7 comes out of 
"cold storage"  with no ill effects other then having sufficient time for it 
to come up to room temp. so the tuning is stabile. We do have an Edwards 
String Cover velcroed on.

Doug Mahard 

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