Kawai CX-5 Key Slip

Sat, 2 Dec 2000 18:21:27 EST

       Thanks for the reply.I guess I can assume that is the official Kawai 
fix for that problem.I am not comfortable with sticking shims down infront of 
keys.I have found also in very  dry situations that this is not enough for 
key clearance.I have used up to three thick paper punchings under strip of 
wood on the keyslip.I believe my company has covered these under our own 
warrantee,which is why I haven't called you for authorisation.
        My intent in original e-mail was to inform my fellow techs about a 
solution for a problem i have found on pianos in this case Kawai CX-4s.I was 
not looking for advice on how to fix it.          

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