Damper lift rod

Avery Todd avery@ev1.net
Sat, 02 Dec 2000 17:11:20 -0600

At 11:29 AM 12/02/00 -0800, you wrote:


>Fortunately (at least in my opinion) the piano had been in the gym, and the
>gym was the only structure left standing.  The piano is fairly new and in
>great condition; a pleasure to work on.  I did the piano, as they are going
>ahead with their Christmas program, and school will be held in the gym for
>the forseeable future.  Never a dull moment!

    Now, should I tell you about the couple I caught having sex backstage in
our small recital hall the day before Thanksgiving? Talk about "never a dull
moment!"  :-)


P.S. They weren't music majors. 

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