enlarging existing bridge pin holes

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Fri, 01 Dec 2000 19:33:43 -0600

> I am concerned with grabbing and chipping the wood around the pins.
>David Love

What Ed said, and one more thing. A little trick I learned for drilling
cast iron works very well here, for drilling plastics, or anything else
where bits want to grab and dig in when you're slightly enlarging an
existing hole. With a whetstone (diamond grit one works best for me), grind
a small flat on the cutting edges of the bit, parallel to the bit's length,
which would be perpendicular to the direction of the cut when the bit is
rotating. It doesn't take much. Instead of the bit screwing itself into the
hole and chewing everything up (or breaking), it will controllably scrape
it's way into the hole at your chosen feed rate. This doesn't seem to
adversely affect the accuracy of the hole size, but it does heat the bit up
a tad more. Seemed like a fair trade to me.

Ron N

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