Busy in Nov/Dec!

pianolover 88 pianolover88@hotmail.com
Fri, 01 Dec 2000 17:28:54 -0800

I have been making a living as a tuner/tech since 2/00, and find that things 
are REALLY picking up lately! I suppose it's the "season" where we are 
busier than normal, but I LOVE IT! In addition to my duties as floor tuner 
at a local showroom (4 days per week, 3-4 pianos each day), i am getting 
plenty of private tunings as a result of #1: business cards, #2: my business 
& phone number on my car. #3:word of mouth, and #4: home tunings from store 
now have become "private" tunings. #5: referrals from fellow tech who's TOO 
busy, so he give's extra customers to me! So I just wanted to say that I 

Here's a little funny that i heard from a customer today:
"Opporknockity only TUNES once!" I like that one!

Terry Peterson
Associate Member PTG
Los Angeles, CA

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