A puzzler

Brian Trout btrout@desupernet.net
Fri, 1 Dec 2000 20:39:01 -0500

Hi Wally,

I doubt this is it, but I had something kind of similar that I'll pass

Baldwin console.  Customer said last tuner "fixed" a sticky note, and it's
sticking again... "could you fix it while you're here to tune"?...

I arrive to find that the one of the four metal brackets that go between the
hammer rest rail and action bracket, (which is nothing much more than a
round piece of metal attached to the hammer rail and bent at a 90 deg. angle
at the action bracket to go through a bushing and become a hinge point (much
easier to show than describe), ) is rubbing against one of the hammer butts
next to the upper break.  I discovered that there was some free play in the
hammer rest rail that allowed it to slide left to right about 1/4 inch.
Simply put, I moved the rail to an appropriate spot and bent the little
brackets into such a position that they held the rail so that it would not
cause interference again.  The whole thing was done in about 1 minute.

I have no idea of whether this might be similar to what you found, but it's
one of the little things I found this week.

Nothing like a puzzler.  :-)

Have a good weekend.

Brian Trout
Quarryville, PA

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