Rhodes Piano

Richard Moody remoody@midstatesd.net
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 23:57:09 -0600

----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Nereson <dnereson@dimensional.com>

> The problem, from about the middle on up, is that it's hell to
> move the coil a small enough amount -- they always go too far.

This tip is like share ware, you owe me $20 bucks if it works for you.
The spring, or coil on the tine can be turned and doing so screws it up or
down in on the tine in as small of increments as you like.

> And if
> the coil comes off the end of the tine, it's hard to get it back on, but
> it can be done with a very thin needlenose pliers or maybe a long
> tweezers.

This is how I discovered the coils could be screwed, one came off the end.
With needlenose pliers I could get the first part of the coil back on but
the second got hung up.  Out of desperation I started turning it and pulling
down and lo and behold it came back on.  I noticed then it screwed up and
down the tine with little or no pulling.    ---ric

ps  For the inquiry about tuning down a half a step, I don't suppose a
second tuning spring could be added ? ?

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