strings and books

Richard Moody
Fri, 1 Dec 2000 00:29:17 -0600

> Richard,
> Thanks for the info. I am currently trying to get a hold of that
> book and several others.If anyone has any information on where I could get
> buy a copy  of ( 1. "Piano Tone Building" 2. "The Calculating Technician")
> would be most appreciative.
> Stuart Balsillie

    The McFerrin book "The Piano--Its Acoustics" is available from Schaff
Piano Supply.  I can send you ordering details if you would rather not wait
for a catalog.  There is no trade discount on books.

"Piano Tone Building" was a publication by American Wire and Steel and sold
by the piano supply houses in the 70's.  It is no longer available from
them.  This book is worth its weight in gold if one is interested in 3 or 4
conferences of piano makers from 1900 to 1917.  All of the big names where
there discussing things like scales, soundboards, ribbing, plates, finishes,
hammer production.  I had a copy but alas it got loaned and never came back.
I suppose $50 could pry it out from somewhere.  Or if  a library had it, at
10 cents a page it could be  gotten for 40 dollars.
    "The Calculating Technician" I believe is a Guild publication.  If it is
not still available I would be glad to lend you mine.    ---ric

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