Aeolian Player Action Removal

Patrick C. Poulson
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 21:12:55 -0800

Greetings All! Here is a question directed to those experienced in player
piano repair.  How in the world do you remove a late model Aeolian player
action in order to work on the piano action? I'm talking about the type of
player action that has a bundle of spaghetti-like tubing going downward
through the keybed at both ends of the keyboard.  There is no apparent way
of getting this thing out of the way, short of disconnecting all 10 zillion
of the tubes and trying to remember where they go when you put the player
action back in.  Is there something I'm missing here, or did Aeolian just
not expect that anyone would bother to service the piano action?  
    Thanks for your help in advance. 
    Patrick Poulson, RPT

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