It's oh so easy!

Brian Holden
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 14:56:23 +1300

Yes that's right Wim.  A souped up version of the song was also recorded in
the late 1970s by Linda Rosdant... Rhonsdant ... Rohnsdat...
Rhonsda......... You know - the good looking lady who put out a series of
hits around that time.  Brian H.

-----Original Message-----
From: Wimblees@AOL.COM <Wimblees@AOL.COM>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, 23 December 1999 13:54
Subject: Re: It's oh so easy!

>When I first saw "It's oh so easy", the first thing that ran through my
>was Buddy Holly's song, "It's so easy to fall in love". If you saw the
>there is a scene where they sing it, and the back up band keeps singing,
>"it's so easy, It's so easy"...

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