Trouble setting string

Jeannie Grassi
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 17:41:50 -0800

Dear List,
This came in from Bill Gerow, who is not on the List.  He is referring to
the Q & A question of "Sagging Center String" (PTJournal,Oct. '99) asked by
Ed Carwithen.

I read with interest Ed Carwithen's question concerning "moving Strings".  I
am not an RPT, and this may have something to do with my tuning problems as
well - HOWEVER-( I only failed my tuning exam by one mark) I have tuned at
least 1000 pianos and seem to have difficulty with a handful of them. The
fact that the strings either 1) go over the capo bar at such a steep number
of angles or 2) the angle is so slight that the same thing results. In the
"Waterfall" situation I sometimes have to move the hammer a distance of "10
minutes" before I notice a pitch change. I am banging the key and NOTHING
happens. Now regarding Ed's comment -- I have had the same thing happen to
me. I use a Yamaha scope but the tuning boxes are not the question -- the
inability for me to set the note and have it there when I tune its companion
string -or perhaps it is a new string combining with the next note. I
usually use jerky movements again coming from above pitch to where I want
it. These tuning experiences drive me crazy - however I don't want to loose
a regular customer.Even the customer commented on how long it took
 Steinway 1900's- split tenor bridge. I will seek out some advice from other
RPT's in my chapter but any insight would be VERY welcome.

Bill Gerow --Ottawa Chapter

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