Trouble setting string

Joel Haasenritter
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 18:13:09 PST

Bill,  I am not an RPT (yet, I lack my Technical due to scheduling 
conflicts), HOWEVER, a good book to read is Different Strokes.  You can 
purchase it from Randy Potter in Oregon.  In it, the author describes over 
21 different hammer techniques that are very useful.  One technique that has 
helped me in situations similar to this, is to "tune from the bottom;"  
meaning that instead of raising the pitch over your desired pitch, then 
lowering it to settle friction points, etc., you tune up to the pitch that 
you want and leave it.  Hope this helps in this particular situation, but 
get a hold of that book if you can.

Joel Haasenritter
Atlanta Chapter
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