On Thu, 6 Jun 1996, Frederick G Scoles wrote: > > > On Thu, 6 Jun 1996 Musing61@aol.com wrote: > > > In a message dated 96-06-05 14:48:14 EDT, you write: > > > > >As for Liquid Wrench to prevent string breakage, I have tried it and it > > >seems to work, but lately I have tried Protek CPL (from most piano supply > > >companies) with good results > > > > Where are you putting this stuff?...at the coils?...any corroded point? > > > > J. Barry > > Two points only; Under the pressure bar and between the string and the > V-bar (which is directly beneath the pressure bar. On bass strings only > one point, the top V-bar or top angled pin. Fred Scoles > Not always. In the case of older painos, with badly corroded strings that are far below pitch and haven't been tuned in decades it might also be necessary to use a SMALL amount of lubricant at each bridge pin. A couple of years ago I was called in to tune a piano that had been bought new in 1952 and had NEVER been tuned. Not only was the piano down a perfect 5th in pitch ( that's 700 cents, folks!), but the strings were very badly cor- roded as well. I used a rust penetrant on the bearing points AND at the bridge pins and, eventually, after several intense (translation: expensive) tuning sessions was able to bring the piano up to and stabilize it at concert pitch without breaking any strings. I doubt that that would have been possible without the use of a lubricant, given the amount of corrosion on the strings. Incidentally, after the final tuning session, as I was getting ready to leave, the lady told me. "Wow, Les, it sounds great! The NEXT time I have it tuned, I'll make sure that I call you again". I remember thinking to myself as I walked out the door, "Lady, in another 40 years I'll probably be dead!" Personally, I don't use liquid wrench anymore. The active ingredient in LW is kerosene and even though it does the job, it leaves a lingering bad smell in the piano. Even the "unscented" variety of LW leaves behind an unpleasant odor. I prefer using WD-40, or CRC 5-56 to which I've added a little Protek. When I use it, I apply SMALL amounts at the bearing points ( and, occasionally, at the bridge pins) with either a hypo-oiler or a small artists brush. Incidentally, if you've never used a lubricant before, NEVER try to spray it on the pressure bar. Instead, spray it into a plastic cup and then apply it with a small artists brush. I saw a piano a few years back in which a previous tech HAD used a spray can on the pressure bar. While it did take care of the rusted string problem it also did a great job of curing the tight tuning pin problem as well! Les Smith lessmith@buffnet.net
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