[CAUT] Pianopedia -was: wrong direction, now - seeking archived discussions

Fred Sturm fssturm at unm.edu
Sun Jul 20 09:11:41 MDT 2008

On Jul 20, 2008, at 2:00 AM, David Skolnik wrote:

> I looked at all your posts since May 20, 2006, with no success, and  
> I've looked at Alan McCoy's posts, wherein I do find a number that  
> are relevant, but none that refer to software or a determined  
> group.  So I'm asking for some help.  Perhaps someone else can point  
> me in the right direction.
> still a wee bit o'pulse

Hi David,
	The caut list conversation is what you found (Alan McCoy's posts and  
various responses). I don't recall Herr Doktor Solliday making any  
substantive contributions at the time. Alan arranged for a meeting of  
interested persons at the 2007 KC convention, a meeting that was  
poorly publicized and squeezed between classes. A small group of  
people attended, possibly Herr S included (I disremember). I think  
Alan was looking at some software, and I believe he said he met with  
Ron Berry to talk about the possibility of using the Moodle suite that  
was being considered and beta tested for on line written exams. I  
wasn't party to that meeting, but maybe Dr Dead was (and found the  
software interface baffling).
	At any rate, I agree with you that there is still a "wee bit o'  
pulse." Depending on whether and when actual breathing thinking people  
choose to "step up" and take action. Calling the idea dead is quite  
premature. Calling continued discussion of it annoying to several  
subscribers to the caut list would be a more accurate assessment. So  
it should probably move off list, but that would require people  
interested in pursuing it to identify themselves. I am willing to  
serve as a facilitator of such a project, and to put my own shoulder  
to the wheel to get things done. So if there are individuals  
interested in contributing effort (not just advice), feel free to  
contact me off list.
	Your question about retroactively attaching changes to subject  
headings I think I can answer. I am told the archives are essentially  
unchangeable - can be done, but only at cost of tremendous toil.
	And, judging from experience with recent attempts to change subject  
lines when content shifts, the likelihood of training the average caut  
poster to pay attention to such niceties as having the subject pertain  
to the content seems a remote one. One can advocate, and some will pay  
attention, some of the time, but that's about it.

Fred Sturm
University of New Mexico
fssturm at unm.edu

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