[CAUT] caut Digest, Vol 1090, Issue 6

Ric Brekne ricbrek at broadpark.no
Wed Sep 6 08:48:51 MDT 2006

Chris Soliday writes:

.......... OR control Friction 8-12 grams, target Balance Weight and 
DownWeight and
float the Upweight but make sure it is over 26g ....

Chris, David et al.

This is how I usually go about things, but you can take things a bit 
further once both strikeweights and frontweights are installed. (assumes 
balanced frontweights) Once you know both ends of the see-saw you also 
know that any variations in BW are due to ratio variances. Often you can 
improve that picture by checking and correcting for small knuckle 
placement/angle variances and the like. You can end up with pretty close 
to spec on all parameters if you pick at it long enough...

Course at some point it gets redougulouse and you have to say good 
enough is good enough..


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