[CAUT] caut Digest, Vol 1090, Issue 6

David Ilvedson ilvey at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 6 10:37:16 MDT 2006

redougulouse:   as in re do ugly osis   ;-]

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA  94044

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "Ric Brekne" <ricbrek at broadpark.no>
To: caut at ptg.org
Received: 9/6/2006 7:48:51 AM
Subject: [CAUT]  caut Digest, Vol 1090, Issue 6

>Chris Soliday writes:

>.......... OR control Friction 8-12 grams, target Balance Weight and 
>DownWeight and
>float the Upweight but make sure it is over 26g ....

>Chris, David et al.

>This is how I usually go about things, but you can take things a bit 
>further once both strikeweights and frontweights are installed. (assumes 
>balanced frontweights) Once you know both ends of the see-saw you also 
>know that any variations in BW are due to ratio variances. Often you can 
>improve that picture by checking and correcting for small knuckle 
>placement/angle variances and the like. You can end up with pretty close 
>to spec on all parameters if you pick at it long enough...

>Course at some point it gets redougulouse and you have to say good 
>enough is good enough..


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