SAMA Information?

Sun Dec 24 15:00 MST 2000

At 04:36 PM 12/23/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Greetings, Guy,
>At 01:35 PM 12/23/00 -0700, you wrote:
>>Yup, little fellow, I do. I work down there part-time, and can answer any 
>>questions you might have.
>What is your assessment of their readiness to deal with Brent's question 
>about more advance bridge and soundboard repairs?

Hi and holiday greetings, Horace,
	At last weeks inspections there was a bridge cap replacement that we gave
the craftsman a real hard time about. His notching was perfectly down the
center of each pin except one, where about two-thirds of the pin (#7) was
to one side of the notch. Teased him mercilessly.
	As far as soundboards go, we can do any repair, including one recent major
termite problem. Replacement is still new to us, in practice, if not in
theory. As an example, we've got a fellow that has personally fit, bored,
and installed over three hundred blocks, in all styles. I think he's ready
for whatever we send at him. (He's also young and training others.)

>If applicable, roughly how much will they need to increase their rates to 
>accommodate those changes?  (How's that for an impossible to answer 
>question?  And, just before Christmas, too!)
How's that old phrase go?...." 'Impossible' takes a little longer?" The
answer is simple. I don't know. (prices) I can check for you. I've got an
idea of some of the rates for custom stuff, but bridge and soundboard work
does vary a bit, depending on what's required, no? Give me an example and
I'll get a quote. (Semper Gumby)

Happy winter solstice, etc.,


"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination." - John Lennon 

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