Eric Schandall
Sat Dec 16 19:37 MST 2000

Hi John,
This has been a great thread. It's gone on long enough that I can't remember
if anyone suggested checking that the knuckle core's glue joint is secure. The
leather may appear glued but the core can be shy of a being solid. It will
produce a sound very like a loose hammer. You can take one out and reglue even
if it looks ok and see what happens. I might pop off a hammer and reglue it as
well as it can be a problem aurally even if it looks ok.
    Forgive me if this has already been suggested. The list of suggested
causes is impressive and worth keeping. Are you there Jeannie?
    The job in Costa Rica went well though it was hard to deal with 80 - 90
degree days, papaya and mango smoothies and having to clear the paths of
iguanas. Never rebuilt an action on  the beach before.
            Eric Schandall
            University of Victoria
            Victoria BC

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