locking grand covers

David M. Porritt dporritt@swbell.net
Tue Dec 12 17:18 MST 2000


The problem with covers, someone needs to put them on!  I had some piano
locks on our "D"s at one time, but they got pulled off by people who wanted
to play them.  So far I've had no luck with any locks.


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On 12/12/00 at 12:39 PM Conrad Hoffsommer wrote:

>We will be getting delivery of a new (to us) hamburger S&S D in the very 
>near future.
>My department head wishes me to investigate locking covers for use on the 
>beastie.  What kinds and what success have any of you had?
>Conrad Hoffsommer - Music Technician -mailto:hoffsoco@luther.edu
>Luther College, 700 College Drive, Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045
>Voice-(319)-387-1204  //  Fax (319)-387-1076(Dept.office)
>Education is the best defense against the media.

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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