voicing thread...collodian tangent...

Newton Hunt nhunt@jagat.com
Thu Oct 9 21:38 MDT 1997

As you read this, bear in mind that I do not like what has come to be 
contemporary piano tone.  I find it shallow, lacking in well-developed
color, sometimes decent pianissimos going directly to often splatty
fortissimos (with very little in between), et cetera ad nauseum.  (Most
artists do not like it either, but they _do_ like to be nominally as
loud as the instruments {orchestras, whatever} around them.)

Thank you for saying this!!!!!!

It has long been my opinion that a well voiced piano HAS more power than
those overly bright HSO.  I prefer the sound of the early part of this
centruy, especailly the hammers found on Bluthners.

Have a nice week end.


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