rescale bass strings / breaking loops

Richard Brekne ricb at
Sun Mar 30 03:13:23 MST 2008

Speaking of breaking loops...

The last few sets I've ordered from a supplier over here seem plagued by 
breaking hitch loops as I pull them up to tension.  These are French 
loops and I havent had the same problem before with any other supplier 
or with other types of loops.  I'm wondering what it is a bass string 
maker can possibly do that would cause an increase in loop failure..

Any thoughts from anyone ?


    That's new! The question then would be why? I haven't had that
    happen, but if it did, I'd sure ask. Until then, the relative
    absence of unvoicable noise and multiple breaking loops will
    keep me with JDG until I can't count on these things any more.
    Ron N

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