Math/Physics Problem: degrees of rotation of tuning pin = howmuchpitch change

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at
Sat Mar 29 15:52:30 MST 2008

> I stand corrected. :-(
> I must remember, that just because, I think that it is too involved, to 
> be worth while, others don't.

No problem John. Different strokes.

> Who is it said, 'enquiring minds want to know"?

I don't have a clue - never asked. <G>

> I was thinking of even the pin sizes vary, within a box by a few 
> thou.,that the information gained would vary enough to change things. etc.
> John Ross

The best you'll get is an approximation, whatever you do, not 
something for dependable direct application. My curiosity 
along those lines concerned tuning stability, and how 
dimensional change in bridges and soundboards, or how much 
rendering across a bridge accounted for what we hear in real 
pianos. I expected a moderately accurate proportional 
indicator, rather than a three decimal point absolute. List 
discussions seem to be thick with binary all or nothing 
arguments, but I live somewhere well in between.
Ron N

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