forte vs. fortissimo

Richard Brekne ricb at
Thu Mar 27 09:25:05 MST 2008

Grin...  I stand corrected.  Forte it is then... been so long since I 
actually played any music myself I'm beginning to forget my music 
notation :)... I was paying attention to a way of describing how hard I 
hit when I tune.  My finger never really leave the key as I am tuning a 
note. That is to say I might get a mm or 2 above the key level at 
rest... but no more. A firm blow from that standpoint is as hard as I 
ever get.

Cheers, and thanks for the correction

         <<a fairly severe blow... something in the  neighborhood of an
        ffff+ thing I supose.  I seldom get above simple  fortisimo...
        that is to say a single solitary f.   

          RicB  >>

      Fortissimo is ff.  A single solitary f would be just forte.
          --David Nereson, RPT

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