
Leslie Bartlett l-bartlett at
Wed Mar 26 21:19:29 MST 2008

A lady bought a little Acrosonic, made in the 70's on my recommendation. I'd
tuned it for about three years,and last time I saw the piano it was in
excellent condition.  So, today was first tuning for the new owner.   

I noticed the frame separating, what looked like a bit of plate separating
from the pin block, found sections horribly low- certainly too low to be
only a year since it was tuned.  C#3 I think, the lowest note on the treble
bridge sounds more like a thud than a note- kind of like a bridge
separation.   Since I recommended the piano, which was in excellent shape
when I last saw it, I feel somewhat responsible for these people not getting
what they paid for.

How would others of you handle this?
les bartlett

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