for those on the fence about hearing protection..

Michael Magness IFixPianos at
Tue Mar 25 15:22:16 MST 2008

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 9:33 PM, Leslie Bartlett <l-bartlett at>

> But I think that we realize that any piano has built in limitations to its
> "hitting power", and once reached, a harder blow does absolutely nothing
> productive.  The hammer reaches the string on its on inertia, not an
> overwhelming blow from us. We can only hit as hard as the piano will go
> "loud", and that seems to be much less than the possible energy we can
> throw
> into a key.
> les bartlett

Well said Les and I think overlooked by many, perhaps including myself. I
tune way too many, poorly  by half, regulated pianos and I still, no matter
how poor the instrument is, must satisfy my own standards that the piano is
tuned to the best of my ability. Sometimes that requirs a lot of pounding
that I wouldn't do or would find needless on a better piano.
 I will not walk away blaming the poor instrument, whether it be quality or
lack of care but rather spend the allotted time honing that tuning and any
other adjustments they can afford, to my own satisfaction. I may lower the
bar for certain instruments, I'm sure we all do, I don't expect the same
satisfaction from a Kimball spinet or NaugaWurlie as I would from a decent
grand. I don't believe any of us do but we do give the best tuning possible
to that spinet, they pay us for our time and should get expert value for
that payment. I do not blithely tune these pianos and move on, I explain to
my customers what they have and how it could be better but it is ultimately
their decision, I am there at their pleasure to service their instrument!


The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that
will allow a solution.
- Bertrand Russell

Michael Magness
Magness Piano Service
email mike at
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